Struggling with the stress of teaching?
Looking after your own wellbeing is crucial to your ability to give so much to others in the many roles you play as a teacher and the many people you come in contact with in a day.
There are so many pressures placed on you:
- including covering all curriculum requirements,
- keeping up with changes in teacher methods,
- Teacher standards and professional learning requirements
- and the list goes on.
- Then there is your own family.
Purpose in Life • Health • Wealth • Relationships • Spirit
Struggle Alone?
ANTT Principle
- The achievement and growth of your students are your primary concern and this means dealing with their parents. Being a teacher myself, I understand your concerns
82% of Australian teachers identified working with parents as their greatest professional development need.
- Relationships are key in our profession and relationships with parents can be the cause of great stress. Want to rationalise this stress?
- Parent engagement research on which my work is based gives you a focus and a framework through which to analyse the interactions you have with parents.
- There are six effective strategies based on research that make a difference if parents do them- more importantly they are more effective in the home than parents presence at school.
These strategies:
• Are based on what you do in the classroom and what you are an expert in
• Are embedded in high impact Teaching and learning strategies
• Allow you to enlist the help of parents instead of butting heads
• Develop shared responsibility for the student’s growth and achievement.
Collaboration is the key
Don’t do it alone
Instead of taking home all the emotions from the not so good parent encounter it allows you to decide whether the issue is worth pursing or letting pass and gives you the evidence on which to base this on.
So, for your own sanity and wellbeing and with one less thing to worry about remember there is a framework to rationally assess parent engagement through.
Enlist Parents
It’s not that we want parents to tell us how to do teaching but why leave a willing army at the gate?
To learn more about enlisting the help of parents both in the home and the school contact Cathy Quinn on 0438 111 489 or email or see below the action you can take today.
- Engage parents in their child’s learning particularly in the home
- Learn the best 6 evidenced based strategies to do this
- Learn skills to communicate
- Empower in action learning teams
Enlist other Teachers
• Collaboration v’s cooperation
• Action research teams to work together to gain student success
• Together we are stronger to deal with issues especially parents.
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For Leaders of wellbeing and social and emotional learning in the school